Charity Run 2016

Sabtu 22 September 2016, pada hari ini saya pergi ke BINUS ASM lebih pagi dari biasanya untuk mengambil race pack buat Charity Run 2016 yang telah disediakan oleh panitia Charity Run nya. Isi dari race pack tersebut adalah nomor peserta charity run, flyer yang berisi informasi mengenai rute lari, wilayah parkir disekitar tempat dilaksanakannya charity run tersebut dan juga informasi-informasi mengenai tips berlari dan cara menuju lokasi event tersebut.

Pada hari-H pelaksanaan charity run ini saya tiba di alam sutera sekitar jam 6 pagi dan berkumpul dengan peserta lainnya. Pada pukul 06.30 para panitia charity run mulai mengajak para peserta untuk melakukan pemanasan bersama kemudian setelah itu panitia memulai acara charity run dengan smoke bomb berwarna. Lalu mulai lah kami berlari bersama. Walaupun cuaca saat itu sangat panas, kami semua tetap bersemangat berlari bersama.

Ketika kami berlari ada sekumpulan orang yang melakukan senam pagi bersama. Setelah kami berlari para panitia memberikan kami pita yang dapat ditukarkan dengan minuman dan medali. Setelah acara berakhir panitia mengumumkan pemenang dari charity run ini dan juga memberi penjelasan tentang target dari acara charity run ini.

Target dari acara ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan dana yang nantinya akan diberikan kepada anak-anak penderita kanker. Dana tersebut disalurkan melalui yayasan Bracelet of HOPE.

Mengikuti acara seperti charity run ini sangat lah penting karena melalui acara seperti ini kita bisa memberikan bantuan dan empati kepada anak-anak penderita kanker tersebut.




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First when they publish this event to us i think this event would be so fun but once again it disappoint me. The only thing that make me go to this event is only freshmen can go to this event. The shuttle bus take off at 06.00 AM so i didn’t sleep that night and i am so sleepy in the morning at around 05.00 AM i lay in my  bed with 2 of my friends and unfortunately i fell asleep and i woke up at 05.55 then i rush to the bathroom and took a bath then go to campus immedietly. thanks god the bus still there.

From the start i come in the building and they told to watch a movie it’s so boring. then they told us to eat, foods there taste really bad and so expensive after we eat we watch a movie again.

In the afternoon they give us our lucnh box. the first impression i get is the lunch box is so light and that’s right the food inside are so small it’s like a kids meal. The next session is pretty fun and amusing untill that visual drama came up that’s so boring and it makes me sleept.

General Orientation


First day in GO i am so exited because i think it would be funny orientation but it actually is not that fun, actually GO is so boring but the information that BC told us are so immportant so it’s not really that bad.

I met a lot of new friends in GO. they are really nice to me but in my class there are barely no girls, the good news is they combined my class with management class. In GO there is no game that make us close to each other, that’s kind of disappointing because i think GO goals is to make us know the campus life and get a lot of new friends.

BC in my class are so nice. they do their job pretty well, they told us the information that we need to know, i understand every information they told me so i think they did a good job.

Academic Orientation


First day AO i am really disappointed because they didn’t put me on the same class with my friend.. so i feel lonely in my class. when the class start i feel so bored because i already know every lesson they tough us in AO.

Everyday i go to campus to study many things. My job every night before go to bed is checking my bimay because the scheadule always changing and it is very very confusing. I even check my bimay minutes before i go to campus hoping binus canceled all my class.

The next confusing thing in AO is when the examination day come. i check my bimay 1 day before the examination day, i have examination in the scheadule but when the examination day come i checked my bimay again and the exam scheadule disappear so i assume that i don’t need to attend my exam class. So after i finish my general class i want to go home, eat , and sleep but my friend invite me to check the scheadule on 3rd floor so i go there with them than the girl there told me to check my name in the class. Unfortunately my lecturer said i need to attend the exam class so i do it of course. the next bad thing in AO is i can only answer 3 of 5 questions correctly.